VTS Workday: Hammond Trail

Vista Point

Greetings Trail Stewards, Our next Hammond Trail work day will be Saturday, 5/4/24, 9am-11am, meeting at Vista Point - the Hwy 101 parking lot turnout (map attached).   Invasives removal, brush trimming and trash clearing, etc. Treats provided, bring your own mug.  Please RSVP only if you plan to...

VTS Workday: McKay Community Forest

McKay CF - Redwood Fields 2508 Fern St., Eureka

Greetings, Trail Stewards!  It's time again for our monthly volunteer workday in the McKay Community Forest! We hope you can join us this weekend: Saturday, May 4th   9:00 AM - 12:00 PM For this workday, we're aiming to finish rocking another significant section of the upper Redwood Acres loop. We...