Dear Incredible Volunteers,
Our next work day is coming up on Saturday, February 24th from 9 am – 12 (noon). We are heading up to the Sunny Brae Forest to clean up the Beith Creek Loop and the Panorama Court connector trail, tackle the invasive invasion (crocosmia, ivy, etc.), do some weed eating around the trailhead, etc. Plenty to do.
We will finish with our usual make-your-own sandwich bar.
We will meet at the base of the concrete steps on Margaret, the primary trailhead for the Sunny Brae Forest. For those who are unfamiliar, you take Buttermilk east for 0.9 mile and at the small roundabout turn left on Margaret for one block. (GPS coordinates, if that makes it easier – 40.858186, -124.058074)
I encourage you to bring your own gloves (I’ll have some extra gloves) and water . . . We do work rain or shine. Let me know if you have any questions.
It is nice to know how many volunteers are coming so that I can better prepare tasks and tools and food. It would be great if you RSVP to me at
I hope to see many of you next week.