VTS Workday w/ RRAS: Wigi Wetlands

Please join us!  Volunteer Trail Stewards (VTS)  & Redwood Region Audubon Society (RRAS) Trail Workday at Wigi Wetlands When: Saturday, Sept. 28th from 9-11 AM  Where: Wigi Wetlands (Eureka Waterfront Trail behind the Bayshore Mall) Hey there, Trail Stewards It's almost time for our monthly trail workday at Wigi Wetlands! This Saturday...

VTS Workday: Arcata Community Forest

Dear Much Beloved Volunteers, This is just my reminder that our next work day will occur on Saturday, September 28, 9:00 am - 12 (noon).  The weather looks to be warm and dry!  We will be working on the Bay Trail North and on some of the Arcata Marsh trails.  We are collaborating with the...