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VTS Workday w/ RIPE: Hammond Trail Ivy Eradication

February 16 @ 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Sun Feb 16, 11 AM Hammond Trail Ivy Eradication on Bicycles

Meeting place: parking lot of Hiller Park in McKinleyville, on Fischer Ave. See star on map.

Duration: 11am to 4pm, but we don’t expect everyone to stay for the entire event. Come late, leave early, it’s up to you. If you come late, call 812-514-9060 and we will come out and find you.

Activity description: We will ride our bikes down the Hammond Trail and stop frequently to girdle invasive ivy on trees, then get back on our bikes, and find the next infestation. We will probably “leap frog” each other. If you don’t have a bike, attend anyway, there will be a group of people on foot, and there is a lot for them to do.

What to bring: we will have tools and safety equipment for everyone, but it helps us a lot if you bring your own. Bring thick clothing and water. Bring a bike if you have one. I’ll have saddle bags on my bicycle for tools, but anyone else who can bring saddle bags for tools would be much appreciated.

Site description: There are many medium sized infestations right next to the trail. Many of them have fruiting ivy.

Details: Because the infestations are right next to the Hammond Trail, it will be perfect for us to do this event on bicycles. Using bikes will save a lot of time.


February 16
11:00 am - 4:00 pm


Hiller Park
40.94392354424577, -124.11889434646866
McKinleyville, CA 95519 United States
+ Google Map