July 7th Eureka Wharf Trail VTS Workday
Sun., July 7th, 9-11
Meet: at 9 AM on Waterfront Drive, between Del Norte St and 14th Street behind Costco. There is lots of parking on Waterfront Drive.
Look for the Volunteer Trail Stewards Sign:
If you are into weed-eating, our July 7th Workday is for You! If you can, bring your own weed eater. From 9:00-11:00am, Sunday, July 7th, we will be weeding and weed-eating next to the Trail between Del Norte St and 14th Street.
For those of you who don’t appreciate the art of weed-eating, hand tools are available for weeding around the shrubs we planted 2 years ago. There is also an opportunity to pick up litter throughout the area.
We supply gloves and tools (or you can bring your own).
Snacks and Beverages afterwards!
New and Old, Regular and Occasional — All Volunteers are welcome!
Currently the weather forecast for Sunday is mostly sunny with a high near 68.
Questions? Contact Gail at gailpopham@gmail.com