Dear Much Beloved Volunteers,
Our next and final 2024 work day will occur on Saturday, November 23, we will back be working on the Bay Trail North and on some of the Arcata Marsh trails, continuing to remove the fennel that is obscuring views in many places, picking up trash, cutting back blackberries, and more. There is plenty for everyone to do!
I will be away for this work day, but Rachael Garcia we be overseeing things with support from other seasoned veteran volunteers. We will meet at the small parking lot in front of the City of Arcata Corporation Yard (our usual spot). But, if you are driving, plan to park in the Marsh Interpretive Center parking lot on South ‘G’ Street.
I will make sure that there are snacks . . no meal (sorry). If you would be so kind as to RSVP to Rachael ( so that she can prepare for the expected turnout.
I encourage you to bring your own gloves (we’ll have our usual supply some extra gloves) and water . . . We do work rain or shine. Let Rachael know if you have any questions.